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Koder Code Editor

Koder Code Editor
  • 类型:工具
  • 版本:
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 大小:未知
  • 时间:2019-03-21
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Koder Code Editor应用介绍

Koder Code Editor是一款程序代码编辑器,让编程更简单便捷。

Koder Code Editor应用介绍

"Koder for iPad:Nerds Rejoice!You Can Code on Your iPad"

--GIZMODO/App of the day--

"Koder’s simple yet efficient interface is designed for touch editing.At just$5.99,you get an editor with a well-designed interface at a great price.If you want to code with your trusty iPad,then Koder is for you."


"An accomplished code editor for many programming languages"


"Editing code on your iPad should never be that difficult again"


"The developers at iCodeLabs have done a great job optimizing the iPad’s real estate for code editing"


"The app for instant project creation and code editing,perfect for developers and programmers on the go."


--Koder was listed on the App Store as a'Staff Favorites'in 82 countries--

Koder is a code editor for iPad and iPhone.It does have many features including syntax highlighting,snippet manager,tabbed editing,find and replace code,editor theme,remote and local files connections,and many more.

With Koder you can code anytime and anywhere,no matter if you're at your desk or while on the go

Koder Code Editor应用特色

-Syntax Highlighting(Supports more than 80 languages:actionscript,actionscript3,active4d,ada,ampl,apache,applescript,asm-mips,asm-x86,asp-js,asp-vb,aspdotnet-cs,aspdotnet-vb,awk,batch,c,cobol,coffeescript,coldfusion,cpp,csharp,csound,css,d,dylan,eiffel,erl,eztpl,elixir,fortran,freefem,gedcom,gnuassembler,haskell,header,html,idl,java,javafx,javascript,jsp,latex,less,lilypond,lisp,logtalk,lsl,lua,markdown,matlab,mel,metapost,metaslang,mysql,nemerle,none,nrnhoc,objectivec,objectivecaml,ox,pascal,pdf,perl,php,plist,postscript,powershell,prolog,python,r,rhtml,ruby,sass,scala,sgml,shell,sml,sql,standard,stata,supercollider,tcltk,torquescript,udo,vb,verilog,vhdl,xml)

-Code Autocomplete

-Code Function list

-Access and Manage your Dropbox,(S)FTP,webdav and local files easily

-Built In Terminal(SSH Client)

-Tabbed editing

-Extra Keyboard with Custom Key(Snippet)

-Document Picker Support to open/import/export other app files from/to Koder

-Find and replace code

-Previewer Browser with View Source function

-Editor theme with Custom Theme Editor

-Extra Key/Additional Keys on Virtual Keyboard with open+close brackets keys

-Screen-Lock,Manual and Auto Lock

-Extracting Zip File on Local project

-Sophisticated File Browser

-iOS"Open In"support,from Koder to other app-vice versa

-Change file/folder permission(CHMOD)on FTP/SFTP projects

-Folder Synchronization between Local Project and FTP Project

-Uploading files from desktop from browser or iTunes sharing

-Expandable editing space

-Bluetooth Keyboard Support

-and many more…

  • 编程合集
  • 工具合集
  • 实用合集

备,开始编程! Code Karts 为 4 岁或以上儿童介绍编程基础,以赛车形式提供一系列的逻辑解难谜题。一边赛车,一边教授儿童基础编程技巧!超过 70 个关卡,多种充满挑战性的障碍和两款不同的游戏模式,让小朋友有数不尽的好玩教育内容。Code Karts 旨在透过运用方向指引方块,控制汽车走到终点。透过仔细观察前方的赛道及逻辑思维,小朋友将可快速掌握解决更困难谜题的方案,并开始吸收基础编程思维



网站声明: 本站《Koder Code Editor》由"海绵宝宝"网友提供,仅作为展示之用,版权归原作者所有;



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