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Clash Royale 2月9日版本更新内容前瞻

[留言]发表:机智的瓜哥    人气:1    时间:2016-02-05 22:06:47

Clash Royale 2月9日版本更新内容前瞻,今日游戏已经放出了下周二的更新内容和卡牌平衡性调整内容,下面我们就来看看到底有一些什么更新吧~

Clash Royale 2月9日版本更新内容前瞻1













Greetings, Challengers!

In today's maintenance break we made a change to chest rewards and wanted to give you a heads-up about next week's card re-balancing -- coming on Tuesday 9th.

Arena 3-7 Chests: Now contain more cards and Gold, cost a few more Gems, but are overall better value!

Late game card progression is a bit too slow and could do with a boost.

Mini P.E.K.K.A: Hitpoints increased by 3%

Mini P.E.K.K.A's usage is quite low at the top, which is unfortunate for such a charismatic character; this little buff will hopefully make it a more enticing card.

Valkyrie: Attack speed increased to 1.5 seconds (from 1.6 seconds)

Valkyrie feels a bit clunky and needs some love.

Giant: Hitpoints increased by 5%

Giant is underused in the late game due to a couple of more enticing tank options (Golem and P.E.K.K.A). More hitpoints should make him a solid option again.

Tombstone: Spawns 4 Skeletons when destroyed (from 6 Skeletons)

Tombstone is the most popular card among top players. You get too much defensive value for 3 Elixir.

Mortar: Lifetime increased to 30 seconds (from 20 seconds)

We undershot the Mortar's power a bit when re-working it. Adding 10 seconds to its lifetime should improve this.

Bomb Tower: Attack speed increased to 1.6 seconds (from 1.7 seconds)

Bomb Tower is still one of the least used cards in the game - give him a chance!

Musketeer: Damage decreased by 25% and Elixir cost reduced to 4 (from 5 Elixir)

Musketeer has played second fiddle to the Wizard for too long! Lower damage and cost should make her quite different and a more flexible choice.

Tesla: Damage increased by 7%

Tesla is also one of the least used cards in the game. A little damage boost should bring it back into contention.

X-Bow: Deployment time increased to 5 seconds (from 3 seconds)

X-Bow can be a very challenging card to deal with among low-mid level players. A longer deploy time should make it less frustrating to face.

Zap: Damage increased by 6%

Zap hasn't seen much use. A bit more damage will hopefully make it a more viable choice.

Please leave your thoughts and feedback on our forum post!

See you in the Arena,

The Clash Royale Team

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