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Fantasy Football Manager FPL

Fantasy Football Manager FPL
  • 类型:体育
  • 版本:
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 大小:未知
  • 时间:2019-03-27
标签: 足球 体育 动作
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Fantasy Football Manager FPL游戏介绍

Fantasy Football Manager FPL是一款模拟现实足球体育游戏。

Fantasy Football Manager FPL游戏介绍

We also have a free version of this app,it's supported by adverts.Scroll down to'Developer Apps'to install it.

Please ensure that you have selected an initial squad.

+Summary of features

Full control for all aspects of your team on the go

Offline access,tinker anytime

Push notifications for injuries,goals,assists etc

Support for multiple accounts&auto-logon

+Full Control

Everything you need to keep on top of your team.Tinker with your team as much as you like,even when not online.

Submit any transfers when you're ready.

Change your starting line up,your captain and vice captain.

Join mini-leagues

+Having a good week?

Check your latest points,other managers'latest points including a full history of transfers made

Explore and view your leagues,join more.

Track any manager you've marked as'watched',regardless of which league you found them in..especially useful if they are having a nightmare Gameweek;)

+Stay up to date

A professional news reader,a hand picked list of valuable sources including our own Fantasy Football Pundits,winners of the 2013/14&2014/15 Football Blogging Awards.

Automatic push notification alerts for members of your squad or watch-list.Injury and match day notifications.

+Scout for players

All the players,all the stats.Search,find&order any which way.Incredibly powerful and simple to use.


Send us your questions,requests,queries etc from within the app,through'options'on your'Manage'tab.

We can also be contacted via ffmiphone on Twitter or email andy ffmiphone.com

Issues reported via AppStore reviews are difficult to address as developers often need more information.Please report any issues using the contact details above so we can fix them promptly.

Please note:

Apple is not a sponsor of any contests or sweepstakes that may be mentioned in some news feeds.

  • 足球合集
  • 体育合集
  • 动作合集

一款汽车与足球完美结合的游戏。 增压汽车足球游戏介绍 增压汽车足球是一款动作游戏,玩腻了真人足球比赛,来试试汽车足球比赛怎么样?驾驶专业改装的跑车,享受运动的乐趣在赛场上灵活的操作你的汽车,将巨大的足球撞入对方的球门。增压汽车足球游戏特色 1、把汽车操控与足球的灵活结合在一起;2、支持多人对战,享受竞技的乐趣;3、漂移,飞跃,爆油,将汽车的性能发挥到极限。

你先要减肥?来一起跳绳,或者再到跑步机上跑步,还可以去游泳池里面游泳,可以在体育室里面进行各种减肥远动。 胖还是瘦游戏介绍 1,在这款游戏中,游戏开始你是一个肥胖的人,你在一个体育馆中减肥,你要运用体育馆里面的一些体育器材。2,在这个游戏中你可以看着游戏中的角色一天一天的瘦下去,会给你一种成就感。3,游戏中还会教你怎么运用一些自己不知道的体育器材,怎么在远动中不受伤。胖还是瘦游戏玩法 1,你可以给


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